Quick factoid: do you know that the hormone prolactin is needed to cry emotional tears? Did you know that some men do not produce enough prolactin to enable an emotional watershed? Unfortunately, these innocent men get a bad rap for this biological inability. Others think they are ‘insensitive’ or that they ‘don’t care’ because they aren’t […]

My own home wasn’t particularly religious, my mom taught me to find my own path, to use my own mind and heart to make decisions for myself. A daughter of Irish-American OSS officer in the military, and a modest German woman that survived war and orphanages, she had lived in many countries and cultures depending […]

Finding it necessary to be in touch more often, for reasons I will share in a moment, I intend to break last year’s whopping newsletter broadcast count. This shouldn’t be too difficult. I transmitted a whopping total of four newsletters in 2018. That’s right, only four.  And because I sent so few, an arguably subpar amount, […]

“Ik wist niet dat je dat deed.”Dat werd door verschillende mensen meer dan eens gezegd.Hoewel een lijst met kwalen en responsieve services op mijn website staat, is dit duidelijk niet goed genoeg.Om dus meer inzicht te geven zal ik me inspannen om anonieme casestudy’s in mijn blog te delen, situaties die je misschien zelf kunt herkennen of die je […]