“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” ― Albert Einstein
Somavedic is a device that can reliably eliminate and then completely remove unwanted influences of EMF radiation
EMF & Geopathic Stress Mitigation by SOMAVEDIC
EMF (Electric & Magnetic Fields) is a form of radiation emitted or pulsed from common use products, (i.e., mobile phones, computers, Wi-Fi, WLAN, 3G/4G/5G, SMART Meters, BlueTooth devices, MRI, AC/DC, microwave ovens, power lines, and radio transmissions.) EMF is not new and is understood in basic law of physics. Exposure to these fields has skyrocketed globally in recent generations increasing radiation areas in your town, street, home and perhaps your pocket. Want to help reduce exposure? Great, me too! Meet Somavedic.
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(for US and EU use code: healthculture)
The essential models

The Premium models

Somavedic is harmonising the environment in which we live...
The principle of Somavedic is derived from the comprehensive knowledge and many years of research relating particularly to the properties of minerals and the effect of their specific vibrations on the ambient environment and the human body.
Somavedic is designed on the principle of controlled release of energy from minerals. These include primarily semi-precious or precious stones in a special configuration, which form the core of Somavedic.
Somavedic is a device that can reliably eliminate and then completely remove unwanted influences of EMF radiation, geopathic stress, psychosomatic zones, water crosses or Curry and Hartmann lines. It also eliminates other negative influences that affect the cellular structure of the physical body.
Its outstanding results are backed with excellent experience from many bioresonance centers, where Somavedic deployment in follow-up treatment has always provided for harmonisation of the organs affected by a disease.